In an alternate reality, Christopher Steel arrived in Sunset Valley as a hopeful young adult, wanting to find his place in the world. But this is not that reality.
Here, he came to Sunset Valley as a frightened teenager, fleeing a troubled past full of danger and misfortune. He knows that his life will be difficult but he is willing to face the adversities that may arise.
Chris: Very nice intro, a little melodramatic for my tastes, but you know it's not true. You're just obsessed with me and wanted to do a challenge with me.
Well, what Christopher is saying is true. I wanted him as the founder of some challenge. Initially it was going to be just a legacy, but in the end I have decided that first he will make a teen runaway challenge and then stablish a legacy when he is a young adult.
I'm doing the runaway part of this story with the intention of participating in Boolprop's Summer Sim Challenge, I have to finish this part before the end of september to win it shinny flair.
I hope to make it!
Chris: I hope so too.